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Writer's pictureSowmya Anki Sreekanth

Jig-saw Puzzle

I believe the timing of life is one the most important lessons to learn as an adult. Things happen when they should for reasons we do not understand.

         During moments of extreme distress, we are so overwhelmed by the pain or the anger that we forget that it is never personal. God or the Universe is not picking on you. It’s just your time to go through whatever you are. And trust me, nothing you do or say would make it any better. Nothing would let the pain go away soon if there’s still some time left for you to suffer. The legend goes that all the pain you undergo is one sin crossed off from your checklist of bad deeds. So, there’s your silver lining.

If anything, life is just a jig-saw puzzle. Sometimes you might come across pieces that don’t really fit in the little progress you have made, and it weighs you down. You get frustrated. You might even give up. Similarly, there are certain things, feelings and experiences that just don’t fit in your life no matter how much you try, simply because you haven’t reached that point yet. But you will. Eventually. You have to be patient. As humans, why do we complicate life so much? Why do we always wish moments away? Why can’t we just embrace everything as it is?

As victims of the hustle culture, unfortunately, we don’t even give ourselves the time and space to go through life at our own pace. We are so worried about time slipping away and losing opportunities. But honestly, you are not losing anything that is yours. You will never lose anything that is yours. Happiness, Love and Life will happen to you at the right time. Every person you meet, every laugh you laugh, every suffering you suffer, every little moment you experience are pieces of the jig-saw puzzle of your life. You cannot complete the puzzle even if you miss one single piece. You gotta go through it all. The good and the bad. The beautiful and the ugly. And one day, when you look at that fully completed puzzle of life, you will realize how every little piece was worth the wait.

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